Upcoming Soccer Season

Soccer season is almost upon us, and soccer tryouts are happening this week. The Topper Times spoke to some participants about the upcoming season.

“For tryouts, usually on the first day we normally do physical tests to see your capabilities and on the second day we usually run some technical drills,” senior Randy Borjas said.

Tryouts will be taking place this week, which happens to be Valentine’s week. Tryouts last for a week with different drills happening each day.

“We’re having a lot of preseason events, and since it’s our last year, we’re trying to represent,” Borjas said.

During this preseason time, Coach Gibson gauges the team’s strengths and weaknesses.

“After tryouts, normally we’ll practice or have pre-season games before we get into the actual season playoffs,” senior Borjas said

For the regular season, the teams play matches roughly two times per week. The games typically begin between 4-6pm.

“Typically, Tuesday and Thursday we’ll have a match, but some days we’ll have them Monday, Wednesday, or Friday,” senior Francisco Granados said.

This year, Hillwood’s soccer team will be participating in a tournament, which is new for Hillwood. This is the first and last time the soccer team will participate under the Hillwood name, but the soccer team’s participation in tournaments will continue at Lawson.

“I’m excited to see the growth of myself and new players on the team this year,” senior Nabil Azizi said.

Joining the soccer team would be nothing but a positive experience as you get to participate and grow with a team.