Fly, white dove, fly.
Fly away from this place of white.
Escape from this home that isn’t a home.
Fly away, white dove, fly.
Don’t look back, don’t stop.
Not even for a moment, for the vulpine fox is waiting to pounce and turn you into his luncheon.
Fly over the trees so he can not reach you.
Fly above the clouds.
Past this forest.
Past the iced river.
Past this life of malice.
Fly, white dove, fly.
Fly away and don’t stop til night.
Fly away from the burdens and all your hurtin’.
Fly, white dove, fly.
With speed, white dove, with speed.
For something lurks in the trees.
Something greater than you, something the size of two.
Something with sharp claws and intentions, too.
Something made of all malicious things that are dark and crude.
So fly, white dove, fly.
Fly, white dove, fly from this awful, cruel life.
I’ll watch over you, I promise you.
So fly, white dove, fly.