Freshman Facing Forward


Freshman Avid classes’ prospective college artwork.

Hillwood’s freshmen are headed to the Music City Center to attend the MNPS sponsored ‘My Way Career Exploration Fair‘ on November 17th.

The fair will be comprised of demonstrations of different trades, small performances, and discussions revolving around said careers.

Freshman Academy Principal Dr. Colicchio thinks it is good to “plant the seed” and get freshmen thinking about college and their future now.

“Even if college is not the choice for you, [MNPS] also offers great vocational options,” Colicchio said.

“It’s not a normal job fair like people think; It’s hands-on and students are encouraged to participate,” said Hillwood Academy Coach Ms. York said. “It will be neat to see what all is available in Nashville.”

One way students can participate in the fair is to fill their career books with interviews from prospective employers and demonstrators.

Ms. Howell, Freshmen Academy Counselor said [the freshman] will have to gather information around the fair and when they return, there will be a “follow-up discussion” through AVID where they will discuss the day’s activities and their points of interest in the day.

The Freshman Academy team is setting the freshmen up for success starting now. Until then, face forward, and prepare yourself for the future, freshmen.

For a peek at the upcoming exhibits, performances, and speakers look here [2022 Career Fair Roster]