Supporting Students with a 504 Plan

What the 504 Plan really is

Jadaly Gillihan

Guidance counselor Ms. Sally Wilson-Harmening greets students with a smile

Do you struggle with any mental illnesses? Do you dread coming to school because of it? What if I told you that Hillwood offered something to help with that?
It’s called the 504 Plan.
Many students struggle with some type of mental illness especially in this generation after quarantine happened. The 504 Plan is a short-term plan to support students with a less severe medical diagnosis. For example, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and even diabetes.

“[The 504 Plan] can definitely help a student focus more and be more adequate in what they’re wanting to do. It can support a student and it goes to college with them as well. They can get the extra support they need,” Academy of Art, Design and Communications counselor Ashley Shaver said.

The 504 plan is for student who need temporary support in the classroom, such as preferential seating, extra breaks, longer test time, breaks to see the counselors, and you can continue the plan in college as well. The students on this plan are looking to get special considerations so they can do better academically.

“It lets the teachers know that [the students] need special accommodations, that you need special environmental circumstances that could help you do your absolute best in school,” said school counselor Dr. Green.

If you’re thinking about getting on the 504 plan you will need to have a written doctor’s note stating this is what you need, and it is best for you. Your parents will have to talk to the school counselors also.

If you have any questions about 504 Plan, please talk to our lovely counselors located right across from the main office.