Last Hillwood Rock Band Concert

The last Hillwood rock band concert took place on Thursday, April 20, highlighting the seniors and honoring rock band teacher, Mr. Schuman, who is moving away.

“Rock Band is a creative way to express music differently. I enjoy most different types of dramas because it’s not usual,” senior Cameron Felker said.

The seniors were motivated and gave each other good energy, with great performances.

“The rock band concert was fun and a lot of work, but my favorite part is the song ‘Limp Bizkit,’” freshman Haylee Martin said.

Schuman is very artistic, and his students say he is a good listener and helps them when they need help. Though his students will miss him they look forward to meeting the new teacher.

“I would describe Mr. Schuman as a genuine person. I’m thankful for all the hard work he does,”  Martin said.

Rock Band gives students freedom to display their hearts in music and channel their energy into something positive.

 “It’s a great place to express ideas and identity and be yourself. It’s a great experience,” freshman Jonathan Selby said.

The rock band concerts are fun to enjoy and to see your friends do real good while doing something they love.