What is HOSA?

Everyone knows Hillwood has clubs, but not everyone knows a lot about Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), Future Health Professionals.

HOSA teaches students about skills that they will need in the medical field. In HOSA, students perform in events that stimulate their intellectual capabilities, for example, students attend state trips in the competition students of any grade level can join. 

“I learned how to do life support skills, such as: CPR, choking, splint, and stroke. I won third place in the state competition. HOSA is a mind and character skills building club,” sophomore Meli Light said.

HOSA gives students the experience to bond with teachers or classmates.

“HOSA gives opportunities hands-on training, teaches important aspects, and is a lot of fun. I got to know kids that I don’t teach,” Social Studies teacher Katy Rosa said.

The HOSA meetings are during club time on Fridays. Students do not have to be in the Health Science Academy to join HOSA – students can be in any academy. 

“It’s a great day to help save lives,” Medical Therapeutics teacher Laura Hickman said.