Sports Feature: Senior Forward Jared Day

Jared Day

Jared Day is a current senior basketball player here at Hillwood. The Topper Times sat down with Jared to learn more about him. Day just received a $220,000 Belltower Scholarship to Belmont University for his many academic accomplishments.

“The scholarship is a full ride to Belmont with only access to metro county public schools’ students. Only 50 students will get the $220,000 scholarship per year. Everything’s paid for room and board/tuition for academics. It’s a long process you have to be committed to. You have to write a paper, you have to be involved, talk and get out of your comfort zone.” Day said. 

Day has been on the Varsity Boys Basketball team for all four years. He talked very highly of his teammates and coaches.

“I enjoyed the amazing teamwork and getting to be closer to my teammates and coaches,” Day said. “I would describe my teammates as very supportive and encouraging and they always push me to do better,” Day said.

Day is a very hard worker and gives constant efforts to his education, sport and his friends and family.

“He’s a good student and a good player. He’s dedicated to his [school]work and also dedicated to basketball,” current senior Anthony Walker said.

Day has made a positive impact as a student at Hillwood.

“Jared’s a great person overall. He’s good in class and a very unique type of person. Jared’s very professional and mature; kind to other students and teachers. He’s always respectful and never late to class,” current junior Decorrius Hughes said.

In a piece of advice for future basketball players, Day said, “Stay the course and give it your all.”