Winter Spirit Week

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

This week we had a fun and festive week created by the Hillwood SGA team, to embrace the holidays!

“We created the spirit week because it is an easy way to keep students engaged and somewhat involved so they’re not entirely burnt out before exams,” Senior SGA president Samantha Mullins said.

Starting off with fuzzy sock day and ending with pajama day, many students enjoyed this week.

“My favorite day of the week was holiday character day, I liked seeing all the different characters that people dressed up as,” senior Adam Habib said.

Hillwood SGA encourages students to dress their best for the school spirit. Any student that dresses up gets to be posted on the Hillwood Instagram page!

“It was supposed to spark some holiday spirit since winter break is coming up. We thought it would give students some kind of hope to keep pushing through the end of the semester,” Mullins said.

The days are chosen based on votes made by students from freshman council to senior council. That way, everyone’s opinion can be made so that every student would be able to enjoy the week.

“I went on Pinterest and found lists of holiday themes that schools used in the past and I also got theme suggestions from our council members and made a form so that everyone could choose their top 5 favorite ideas,” Mullins said.

One of the highlights was holiday day where students could showcase how they celebrate the holidays and even if they don’t, what their favorite one is. It was formed to be very inclusive for all students of different backgrounds and beliefs.

“My favorite holiday during this time is Christmas, we celebrate Christmas by having a family dinner and at night all the kids open their presents,” senior Jeffery Madrid said.

We wish everyone happy holidays from the HHS news team!