Events at Hillwood

Anna Wiggins

Taken from Hillwood 2023 Instagram page

 Students often wonder when and what kind of events they will be able to see and participate in. The Topper Times spoke to student council members about future school events.

 “I’m always excited to plan events, while expenses and participation from students is hard to manage, I still enjoy it,” said senior class president Amira Wolde.

 SGA members usually plan events such as the senior bonfire that happened most recently and spirit days/weeks as well as Homecoming, Coming Home, Prom, etc. 

“We are trying to do one big event each month to tie into the back to the past theme,” class vice president Leena Al-Bunni.

The theme that most events will be based on “Back to the Past” which are activities people used to participate in when they were younger. 

“There will be events we are trying to do such as the Lock-In where students will stay in school overnight and wear pajamas while watching Christmas movies,” said Al-Bunni.

While larger events are typically held and organized by student council or some other student body, there are smaller targeted events such as Science Day that was organized by science teachers, like Ms. Hardy.                                  

Last year’s Science Day students performed science experiments and got to meet faculty members from different colleges and learned about networking.

Many events will be happening in the future, so be sure to keep an eye out so you can get the full final year of Hillwood experience. Participation is key!