Latino Achievers

Learn more about Latino Achievers club.

Latino Achievers is a club to help Latino students at Hillwood High make positive life choices.

“[Latino Achievers] started through YMCA to help you be a healthier person in physical and in making healthy choices. [It] can help you understand what it means to go to college, why to keep studying after high school, and what are some skills you need not just in school but how to talk to other people,” club advisor Lynne Robinson said.

Robinson has been working with Latino Achievers since 2001.

‘[This club]  matters because it helps you [learn] to be part of the world and society while fighting for a place to fit in. Sometimes you need a little bit of a push especially when you can’t get it at home. [Latino Achievers] wants to help people who are not as connected to American society and don’t have those experiences through their own family,” Robinson said.

Latino Achievers meets every club day, Fridays, in the Library Garage.

“[I joined this club because] my sister was in this club before me and I always watched her in clubs, how she enjoyed it, and I just really like the community and how the staff will develop a lot of time  and invest in us and it’s something I really appreciate,” senior Meicy Gomez said.

Students can find community in these meetings. This club is a place that really matters to students.

“I joined Latino Achievers because I felt like it was going to be a place where I would have a community of people that would understand me and it’s just a place where I would receive a lot of help, specifically being an immigrant,” said senior Ashly Hernandez.

Gomez added, “[It makes me feel] Happy, I am happy to be here everyday, Happy to be with other students and like being here with students from other schools and to meet new people.”

Latino Achievers can be really helpful for Latino students. 

‘[This club helps you] To get that help that you don’t get at home and to see yourself as a professional, connecting you with business mentors,” Robinson said. 

If you want help on learning about your school education or making good life choices you can join the club, Latino Achievers.

“[This club] matters because it helps you on how to be part of the world and the society and fighting for a place to fit in. Sometimes you need a little bit of a push especially when you can’t get it at home. They want to help people who are not as connected to American society and don’t have those experiences through their own family,” Robinson said. 

“Latino Achievers makes me feel very welcomed and heard, I feel like I have a voice here and I have a big group to support me like through my way through High School and going to college,’’ Hernandez said.

‘’[ It can help you] realize on doing more and how to figure out how to get that out of you,” said Robinson.