Tennis Update

Tennis season has begun. The Topper Times interviewed players and coaches about the spring season.

“The team has a large amount of new players who are very excited to learn,” science teacher and tennis coach Allison Hardy said.

While there are a lot of older players with more experience, new players should not be discouraged from joining the team next year at James Lawson. 

“My best advice would be to purchase a tennis racket and to get outside on a tennis court as much as possible,” Hardy said.

While joining with no competitive experience isn’t a bad thing, it would be recommended to practice the basics in your own time.

“The hardest thing for me personally is serving. It’s hard to be consistent with it and get it fast and accurate enough to where your opponent doesn’t punish you,” said junior Lawrence Quimbo.

The games regularly take place Mondays and Wednesdays each week with the boys and girls both playing at the same time taking around 2-3 hours for all matches to finish.

“My experience on the tennis team has been very fun and positive” said senior Joey Zhu

With that being said, try out for tennis next year!